About the Pathways Alumni Network

Pathways alumni are connected to a national community of support beyond high school.  Many Pathways alumni are champions for education and passionate about inspiring younger generations. Being part of Pathways Canada’s alumni network gives you the opportunity to provide unique insight, knowledge, and expertise that helps to shape the Pathways Program to better serve the needs of youth.

Being part of this network also gives you access to dedicated support and resources from Pathways Canada, as well as exclusive opportunities to connect with fellow alumni, students, corporate partners, and supporters of Pathways.

Where will your Alumni journey lead?

Every alum takes their own unique path—different career choices, different volunteer experiences, different use of the benefits provided by the Alumni Network. How you choose to participate is up to you.

Check out our infographic to see examples of different alumni journeys. (Created by Colleen and Kashish, two Pathways alumni!)

Supporting Youth Beyond High School

See the results from the Alumni Impact Survey that gathered information about the long-term impacts of the Pathways Program. Findings from the survey provide a valuable snapshot of life after high school for Pathways alumni and give important insights into how Pathways alumni make valuable economic and civil contributions to society.

History of Pathways

Did you know that the Pathways Program was founded in Regent Park, Toronto, in 2001? Since then, Pathways Canada has expanded to support 31 Program locations across the country and over 8,700 students have graduated through the program—including you!

Click below if you would like to learn more about where it all began.